Guess Work performs Discreet Music - CIM - 014
Guess Work performs Discreet Music - CIM - 014
Brian Eno’s Discreet Music is an experiment in generative composition. His intention was to explore multiple ways to create music with limited planning or intervention.
Many consider Discreet Music the first example of intentional ambient music. Brian Eno's idea for ambient music builds upon a concept composer Erik Satie called "furniture music". This means music that is intended to blend into the ambient atmosphere of the room rather than be directly focused upon. Like Satie's notion of music that could "mingle with the sound of the knives and forks at dinner" Discreet Music was created to play in, and blend with, the subtle background audio of various, or any given, situation.
The original Discreet Music recording is comprised of two melodic phrases of different lengths played back from a synthesizer's digital recall system.
For the first year of my daughter Celine’s life, my wife and I nightly played her Discreet Music during her bedtime routine. Listening to it daily made me realize just how open-ended the piece is. Why couldn’t this piece be performed? Why couldn’t it be arranged differently? Why couldn’t different instruments, colors, and timbres be applied? What would happen if it were striped of its technology? I was very fascinated by this possibility. The ways in which I had planned on performing Discreet Music changed drastically upon collaborating with the talented and insightful musicians who participated in rehearsals and ultimately the first performances and recording. The piece is limiting and freeing, simultaneously, in a way that allows one to drift while grounded by the music’s conceit.
- James Corrigan, Brooklyn 2023
Limited edition of 50, numbered cassettes